About Me

Find Out Who I Am, My Story, And What My Vision And Values Are

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Joao Capela

Digital Business Consultant                                                      Hi, I'm Joao, a professional affiliate marketer, and business digital consultant. My biggest passion in life is personal development and constantly learning new skills.

What really drives me is to help like-minded people to maximize their own potentials by showing and teaching them about the big opportunities there are in the digital world today. Many people feel trapped in their current lifestyles and are trading their time in order to make a living. That was the only realistic way that I knew of as well before I educated myself on digital marketing and how to set up an online business.

Today I work as a Digital Business Consultant and help people get started with their own online business as well as educating existing business owners on the topic of online marketing. I am also a professional affiliate marketer, which means that I get paid for recommending products and services from other companies. Products that I have brought, worked with, and really trust myself.



My Story


Today I am working as a Digital Entrepreneur but that hasn't always been the case. Not long ago I had gone through a long education and was working as a mechanical engineer, trying to climb up the career ladder like everyone else.

But after 30 years in my career, I lost my passion for it and it became a chore. There were other factors why I no longer enjoyed being employed. This included spending too much time commuting to and from work. I disliked the concept of having to trade my time for money and that I got paid for being at the office rather than for the quality of what I produced.

I wanted more free time to spend on my real passions in life. Like traveling, personal development, exercising, and having more time to spend with my family and friends. However, I didn't think that was possible for me to achieve.

One day when I was searching around the Internet trying to find a solution to my problem I stumbled across a video of a guy from England. I was amazed, he was actually living the life I dreamed about. He had his own online business and traveled around the world. Working from anywhere and when and how he wanted, as long as he had his laptop with him.

He introduced me to a fantastic community with like-minded people. Also to some mentors who really knew what they talked about regarding how to succeed in the digital world. To make a long story short. I am still a member of this community and now I'm running my own online business. Finally, I'm on the right track to create the lifestyle I've always wanted with so much more freedom and flexibility!

Today I'm helping other people who are in the position I was in when I saw this first video. People who want to make the most out of their lives. People interested in starting an online business and learning what possibilities there are for ordinary people like us in the exploding digital economy.



My Vision


My dream is to make as many people as possible realize the enormous power they have to design their own lifestyles and live a life they truly love. This includes growing as a person. Constantly learning new things and skills to share with others. It also includes opening up the mind to the fantastic opportunities the new digital world is offering. With possibilities of working from anywhere in the world with *freedom of time and finances hard for many people to imagine. I want people to have the courage to step out of their comfort zones and starting to work toward their own big dreams in life. If you don't have any dream or vision yourself, you will probably end up working toward someone else's.

*Disclaimer: Individual results will vary from person to person. No results can be guaranteed. Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page.

My Values

  • Open-mindness

    I truly believe there is a great value in being open-minded. In all parts of life. So much in today’s world is controlled by prejudices, limiting beliefs and fear of things we don’t know or understand. Just because I or anyone else wants to believe in something doesn’t make it true. I always try to be as open minded as I can. Even though I honestly have to remind myself from time to time. A lot can be learned if we open up to other people’s perspectives of things. Even if they go directly against our own. No one knows the whole truth but by listening to many different perspectives and angles we can come much closer.

  • Focus

    Whatever you want to achieve in life you will only get there if you remain focused. Visualize where you want to be and keep that picture in your mind both through the bad and the good times. Being able to focus and concentrate on the things you want and need to succeed with is the key to success itself. My ability to focus has helped me so much in life to get where I’ve wanted to go.

  • Investing in yourself

    Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make in my opinion. This could be done at so many levels; health & wellbeing, mindset, knowledge and spirituality to name a few. I always strive to learn new things and grow as a person. It’s the same with us humans as with companies. We must all constantly develop and improve ourselves in order not to break down.

  • Curiosity

    I’ve always been very curious and wanting to understand how things work. This has been a great motivator for me and something I value highly. I think that being curious is very important for your personal development and growth.


595 Bath Road Ι Slough Ι U.K. Ι WhatsApp: +44 7463212234 (UK)